““It’s nice because this group is kind of pulling the conversation together,” Chand said. “People are having these conversations, but they’re usually behind closed doors, and people with disabilities often aren’t in the room. It’s really great that, all of a sudden, if you want to have a conversation about something related to disability and any other intersection, [LUDWiG is a] network for that to happen.”
from “New Disability Working Group focuses on campus accessibility,” https://www.lawrentian.com/archives/1017525
Thanks to Kat from The Lawrentian for covering our film screening of Crip Camp! Read an excerpt from Kat’s article below:
“On the event’s importance, DeDiemar added that the film’s amplification of a marginalized community elevates awareness of the disability rights movement and creates a sense of urgency for nondisabled people to learn more and do more to create lasting and systemic change, as the camp alumni in the documentary did. Likewise, LUDWiG student representative Rose Williams hopes that the screening and discussion enable Lawrence students to learn about the history of the disability rights movement, particularly with Judy Heumann and her work, which is often not included in the typical K-12 education.
As the film follows young people integral to the disability rights movement, Chand finds this to be an inspiring viewing experience for Lawrence students. The camp alumni’s protests and activism, such as the 504 sit-in of 1977, in which those with disabilities occupied US federal buildings to push for the enactment of section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, allowed for a shift in legislature on the federal and state level.
“It’s empowering to watch that as a young person with a disability,” Chand said. “It’s cool to have that visibility and see other young people have done things before, so it’s not just a thing in abstraction. It’s saying, ‘Hey, Lawrence, you are young, but your voice can be heard, you can do things, you can stand up, and there’s something very powerful in that.'”
-from https://www.lawrentian.com/archives/1020313
“In a LUDWiG meeting, multiple students provided examples of accessibility needs being unmet, citing inconsistencies in medicine delivery and storage, dietary restrictions on the meal plan and issues with housing accommodations — all of which the students felt the administration should have considered before the problem arose. There is a more systemic problem, various student leaders said, that reaches far beyond just administrators, and starts with an ability to listen to other perspectives…”
from “DISCONNECTED,” http://www.lawrentian.com/archives/1019149.
“…I think it’s hard, because I think a lot of times, good work comes from listening,” Chand said. “I think it’s just really important that we learn how to cultivate empathy and develop empathy in students and good listening skills, so that we know how to listen and acknowledge experiences that are outside of our own.” Chand believes that providing members of the community with opportunities to listen and develop empathy is critical, and it is crucial for administration to proactively build a culture of respect, diversity, inclusion and care.”
from “DISCONNECTED,” http://www.lawrentian.com/archives/1019149.
LUDWiG students had a chance to chat with the Washington Post about the return to in-person learning [link]: https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2021/11/01/colleges-return-students-disabilities/.
“”You don’t need to run as a candidate, but I think you should know what is going on,” Ambrosius said of getting involved. “Especially for marginalized students. It’s important to get involved in communities where you feel safe and supported.”